Having a great time in North America

Sorry that I have not been blogging for some time. My wife Lorenza and I are having a great time visiting North America. But we have been too busy with friends and churches, and sightseeing, to spend much time blogging.

We have been taking quite a lot of photos. I have put the best of them into two Facebook albums, North America summer 2010 part 1 and North America summer 2010 part 2. I think these albums are accessible to anyone, not just Facebook users, but please report to me any difficulties. Meanwhile here are a couple of sample photos.

We return to the UK on 19th August. But we will then be busy moving house, so I am not promising to start blogging again straight away.

With this post I have at last made it to a total of 900 on this blog. I might yet make it to a thousand!

0 thoughts on “Having a great time in North America

  1. Not yet, TC. We start heading west by road tomorrow, first to Branson, Missouri for a church conference, then to stay with friends in Colorado. We’ll be arriving in California about 28th and staying in the LA area for a little over a week, also a quick trip north if we can fit it in. Any must-see tips? Then the long drive back to Louisiana via the Grand Canyon and the Dallas area.

  2. Try Hollywood Blvd., the Zoo, Disney in Anaheim; or you guys might want to check out the (in)famous Fuller Seminary campus in Pasadena, within a few miles of LA as well. 😀

  3. Pingback: Gentle Wisdom» Blog Archive » Our last few days in North America

  4. I was great to meet you guys – sorry the weather was terrible at the canyon that day – hopefully it wasn’t too strong a turn off that we had to go so soon, wished we could have chatted longer. Blessings.

  5. Brian, yes, it was good to see you and the family. The weather cleared up later so we got to see quite a lot – although not when we went to Desert View which was back in the clouds, looked like an orcs’ tower from Lord of the Rings.

    TC, we got to Hollywood Boulevard (see our photos of that part of the trip), but sadly not to Disneyland, nor to Fuller!

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