qaya thoughts

I have just started a second blog, qaya thoughts (rhymes with “higher thoughts”), which is intended as an online journal, of thoughts arising mostly from my times of prayer and Bible reading. I will not be taking as much care there as I try to here at Gentle Wisdom to present these thoughts carefully, logically and consistently.

Many of my qaya thoughts will be notes from my Bible reading. I have started this blog to coincide with starting to read through the Old Testament prophetic books, beginning with Isaiah. Please note that what I am writing there is not intended to be proper exegesis of the original meaning of the passage; rather it is how I believe the Holy Spirit is wanting to apply the passage to myself and to the church and the world today. In seeing this modern application of Isaiah as primarily to the church I am by no means ruling out its applicability to Israel both in Isaiah’s day and today, nor to the first or second coming of Jesus.

These thoughts, especially those which are more like contemporary prophecy, have mostly not been tested by others. And so I can give no assurance to readers that they are genuine messages from God, and not from other places such as my own imagination. But I offer them in the hope that at least some of them will be helpful.

My longer term intention is to host qaya thoughts on the same server as this blog, Gentle Wisdom. But there are some technical issues to be sorted out first. So I am temporarily hosting it at The URL will probably change in due course (see also the UPDATE below).

Note that I also blog from time to time at Better Bibles Blog and at TNIV Truth.

UPDATE 5th October: updated with new URL for qaya thoughts, see this announcement.

0 thoughts on “qaya thoughts

  1. Peter, this is a great idea. It’s nice to have a seperate space for being experimental. We are reading Isaiah for our family devotions and have found it surprisingly relevant and thought provoking.

    If I understand what you mean about a “proper exegesis” you aren’t offering these as exegetical explanations but as hermeneutical and even highly personal applications. I felt some of that tension on my “Vassals all” post recently.

    Looking forward to your posts.

  2. Pingback: Gentle Wisdom » Complegalitarian

  3. Pingback: thoughts on Isaiah thoughts « qaya thoughts

  4. Pingback: Gentle Wisdom » New site for qaya thoughts

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