Tominthebox gives news of Todd Bentley

Tominthebox News Network announces in its usual satirical style that Todd Bentley is returning to revival ministry, but using a “Probationary Podium” to keep his feet on the ground!

One thing in this report does seem to be true: the Lakeland Outpouring has officially ended, just over six months after it started in April. Ignited Church in Lakeland kept the nightly meetings going in their own building even after Todd left in August. But their website now says:

Welcome to the Ignited Church, the epicenter of the Lakeland Outpouring. It began April 2, 2008, and continued through October 12, 2008.

0 thoughts on “Tominthebox gives news of Todd Bentley

  1. If this probationary podium is true. God help them all as they clearly are mocking God. They have NO fear of a Holy God. It is not about Bentley’s feet or hands it is about a pure HEART!~!!!!!!!!!

    Whoever is his overseers clearly do not love him or care about his soul – only the $ he brings in. sick and wrong. They will all stand before a HOLY LAMB on judgment day. scary

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