Welcome to qaya.org!

Qaya is the Azerbaijani word for “rock”, and is pronounced like guy-ah in English. When I was living in Azerbaijan some of my friends called me Qaya as a translation of Peter, which also means “rock”. But the rock on which I rely is not myself but Jesus Christ (Matthew 7:24, 1 Corinthians 10:4).

My blog:

Writings for Baddow Life newspaper, to which I used to contribute:

(I have excluded from this list some articles about individuals)

The main site for Baddow Life newspaper

See also this blog post

Other writings:

My personal newsletter Peter’s Page:

Academic papers

relating to my work on Bible translation and biblical Hebrew:

Proposals to the Unicode Technical Committee:

Issues in the Representation of Pointed Hebrew in Unicode (3rd draft):

Ketiv and Qere with Difficult Blended Forms (biblical Hebrew):

Draft paper Holy Communicative?

A draft of a paper published in Translation and Religion: Holy Untranslatable?, Lynne Long (ed.), Multilingual Matters, 2005, pp. 89-101:

English, Russian and Hebrew verse numbers, a comparative chart

Please see also My website from 2002-2003 – mostly for some photos from that time.

To contact me please use my contact form.

Peter Kirk, Chelmsford, UK

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