Sorry to disappoint my readers all round the world

I was surprised at how long it is since I last posted here. Sorry if anyone has been waiting impatiently! In fact I have not disappeared from the blogosphere, as I have been quite busy commenting on other blogs. For example, I have commented on the Better Bibles Blog, about sanctification and normal English usage; on Adrian Warnock’s blog, about healing and the alleged link between feminism and homosexuality; and on the Daily Duck, about quantum theology! So if you are looking for more of my thoughts, try these links.

Meanwhile I have added to the sidebar of this blog a facility to search the TNIV Bible. I have also been monitoring the map of my readers, all round the world from Hawaii (one of at least 21 locations in the USA) to New Zealand, and even including one in Saudi Arabia – interesting! I know who some of you are. Perhaps others would like to introduce themselves by commenting here.

0 thoughts on “Sorry to disappoint my readers all round the world

  1. I’m Tim Chesterton, and I live in Edmonton in western Canada, where I’m the pastor of St. Margaret’s Anglican Church. I’m married to Marci and we have four children between the ages of 17-25. You’ll see some of them in a recent post over at my blog as my youngest son had his high school graduation this week.

    I first bumped into Peter over at the Better Bibles Blog and discovered that he lives only a few miles away from the Essex village where I spent my teenage years. Small world!

  2. Tim, thanks for your comment. I’m pleased you have followed me from BBB to Speaker of Truth. And thanks for reminding me of your blog, which I hadn’t seen for a bit.

  3. In fact, Tim, I see you have featured on your own blogspirited preaching” from a vicar in Chelmsford, indeed “the service was lively, with contemporary music, spirited preaching from [the vicar], and a warm sense of fellowship in the congregation. Sounds like my church! And I have just given you the link to some real “spirited preaching” in Chelmsford. I guess you have been back this way since you first went to Canada, as you know the quickest way to get here from Oxford (in episode 28) although it wasn’t built when you were a teenager. But you would be doing rather well to leave Oxford at 5.30 on a winter Friday and get to Chelmsford by 8.45, including a stop at South Mimms services (and I have done most of that journey many many times!) As for Bradwell, I like the description of the chapel, but in the sentence “Behind the sea wall the farmland was mainly flat and open, with the occasional stand of trees breaking the uniformity of the landscape you seem to have ignored the nuclear power station (now out of commission but the shell remains) which stands just here!

  4. Darn it – write a piece of fiction and some smart alec who actually lives there blows it all out of the water!!!

    You notice that I mentioned the nuclear powr station later on in the chapter, did you???

    Thanks, Peter – keep on pointing out those mistakes. I didn’t specifically have Meadgate in mind, but I was sure there’d be at least one church in Chelmsford that fit that description – and anyway, it’s fiction, right?

  5. Thanks, Tim. Your fiction is fine. As I wrote in my review of the Da Vinci Code, an author of fiction has the right to make some adjustments to the real world to fit the story, and you adjustments are not as serious as Dan Brown’s! In fact, while the church you describe could be mine, your vicar character is not so like our real vicar. In fact, with his “narrow face and high forehead … his hair was very thin on top“, and his Welsh name, he seems physically much more like Rev Tudor Roberts of our sister church St Paul’s. But I won’t try to compare their characters.

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