Taking a short break

I know service on this blog has been a bit intermittent recently. I had intended to post about Bible deists yesterday, Saturday, but ran out of time to complete it and didn’t get the chance to finish it until this evening, Sunday.

I had been planning a two week break from blogging for my trip to Israel. That has not happened, but I am now taking a break for a few days, and announcing it in advance. Tomorrow morning I leave for the Suffolk coast, about 80 miles north of here in Chelmsford, where I will be staying with some friends who have taken a chalet there. This should be a quiet and peaceful time – although my friends’ 12-year-old son will stop it being boring! The weather looks promising, mostly sunny but without the excessive heat of the last couple of weeks. I expect to be home on Thursday, but I will be busy with other things on Friday, so I may not blog again, or answer comments, for another week or so.

0 thoughts on “Taking a short break

  1. Have a great break. I’ve been enjoying your recent surge of posts. My Mom just got back from Kent, Lincolnshire, etc. and said the weather was terrific. We head to California on Friday and so my blogging will be a bit sketchy for a couple weeks as well.

  2. Lingamish’s Mom was luckier than me with her vacation in England. The weather has turned quite a bit cooler with heavy showers blowing in the wind, perhaps more like Vancouver! I just arrived home early, partly because of the weather.

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