Follow Jesus: The Basics

follow Jesus in the power of the Holy SpiritDo you want to follow Jesus? Do you want to find out what that means? Are you new to following Jesus and not sure what to do now? If so, read this series of pages which are meant for you. They are mainly for anyone who is interested in following Jesus or has just started to do so. They may also be useful to you if you have called yourself a Christian for a long time but want to learn more about what it really means to follow Jesus.

Contents of this series:

If you’re not sure where to go now, start at the beginning. Items with no link are projected or in preparation.

Special comment policy for this series: These pages are primarily for beginners. I am allowing comments here so that these beginners can ask questions for clarification. This is not the place for discussion of controversial issues. If you, as a mature follower of Jesus or as a confirmed opponent, think something I have written here is not correct, then please let me know through the contact form, and I will try to address the issue.

12 thoughts on “Follow Jesus: The Basics

  1. Charles, thank you for your comments. It isn’t really “a lot of crap to go through”. It is actually very simple to give your life to Jesus Christ. If anyone tells you differently, that you must do all these things first, then don’t believe them. Just tell Jesus you want to follow him. There is a little bit more to it which I explained under How can I become a follower of Jesus? But there really is nothing difficult there.

    Of course when you start following Jesus he might ask you to do some difficult things. That’s a different matter. But he promises that he will be with you and give you the power you need to do them.

    Sorry I haven’t made any progress on the rest of this series in the last month or so.

  2. I am interested to know how you view Jesus. There are many passages in the books that can be taken to mean he is not his own father, never created a thing, and one in particular where he is sitting with his followers, telling them, “nobody has seen the father”, as they gazed upon Jesus.
    The second to the last words attributed to Jesus, red letter edition type of words in Revelations states he is “the off spring of David, and the bright and morning star”. Was not the “sinful one” cast out of his fathers house? Did not Jesus take all sins upon himself? Only one was full of sin, by taking them from everyone else, that seems like a fitting description of Jesus.

  3. Meatwad, you have interesting questions. I see Jesus as the Son of God the Father, but not to be identified with the Father. On the cross he took on the sins of the whole world, in some sense, and died as the punishment for those sins. But he was raised from the dead and is still alive, no longer forsaken by the Father. But this is not the place to go into detail.

  4. Hello Peter, pleased to read here and on echurch that you’re still in touch after the move. I spotted the icon on your site and followed to this page. May the Lord continue to bless and inspire you and provide so that you will be able to complete this special part of your work.

  5. Thank you, Richard. I am still keeping up with comments here, and occasionally tweeting @Gentle_Wisdom. Things are going well here in Virginia but I don’t have time to write new posts at the moment. I hope to continue occasionally.

  6. Jesus Christ my Lord and God is my friend who sticks closer than a brother and my ever present help. I have been meditating on Romans 10:11 this week, and I thank the Lord Jesus Christ that because of Him I will never be put to shame. As a human being, all of us can understand shame, and even being ashamed of ourselves for one thing or another. The thing is when we confess Jesus Christ as Lord from our lips, God supernaturally changes our lives, saves us forever, and gives us a heart to do His will. Grace saves, grace guides, and grace never fails because God is love. There is no condemnation for those in Jesus Christ. Reread Romans 8 or read it for the first time. Remember, every breath is God’s faithful gift. Maranantha.

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