Being read on an African beach

I must say it is a rather nice thought that Lingamish has been reading my posts, about literary translation, on his mobile phone while lounging in a hammock outside a beach hut in one of the remotest corners of Africa. He even has the pictures to prove it. As my ClustrMap shows, this blog is attracting readers in nearly every part of the world; there are obvious reasons why north Africa and central Asia are rather thinly represented.

It would of course be an even nicer thought if I was able to join Lingamish on the African beach, to blog from there and not just be read there, rather than suffer the increasing cold of an English autumn. Actually it has been rather pleasant here for the last few days, but frost is on its way and I am not looking forward to it.

0 thoughts on “Being read on an African beach

  1. At the beach you realize that many of the things that we keep track of on the web are meaningless. But a small number of topics ignite my imagination which is why you, AHP, BBB etc. continued to interest me.

    Hop on a plane and escape that awful English weather. Stephen L. is here now teaching us discourse of the epistles and his body is having to adjust to the weather extremes.

  2. Even here in England I sometimes realise how meaningless much of what I track on the web is. That is why I have dropped a number of blogs from my reading, and stopped commenting on others.

    I often wish I could fly away, to Africa, or back to Australia where life was so good for a few months. But I know God’s place for me, for the moment, is here in Chelmsford. So I’ll just have to wrap up warm, grin and bear it.

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