Hear me on the BBC, talking about church attendance statistics

Sorry this blog has been quiet for a week. I have been enjoying a few days’ break in Italy.

You may have heard me on BBC Radio 4 this afternoon, on the programme More or Less which is about the use and abuse of statistics. I was interviewed last week about church attendance statistics, because the interviewer Paul Vickers had read a post from last year here at Gentle Wisdom, Lies, damned lies and church attendance statistics. And part of the interview was included in the broadcast programme.

You can hear this again on BBC iPlayer, starting at 8:50 minutes, for the next seven days I think and possibly only in the UK. There are two short segments of the interview with me, the first at 11:15. The programme, which is summarised here, will be broadcast again on Sunday 19th April at 8.00 pm. Or you can listen by subscribing to this podcast.

0 thoughts on “Hear me on the BBC, talking about church attendance statistics

  1. Wow, that’s pretty exciting to have received such high-profile notice for your blog, Peter! Congratulations! Did you get a chance to tell people to visit http://www.qaya.org/blog?

    Also, I don’t know if it was just coincidence, but my captcha anti-spam word was “ziklag” for this comment. Interesting.

  2. Thanks, Tyson. The BBC didn’t air a link to this blog. The interviewer asked if they could put a link on their site, but if they have I haven’t seen it.

    The anti-spam captcha words on this blog are (at least currently) all biblical names.

  3. The link to ‘Lies, damned lies…’ in this blog post doesn’t seem to work. It appears to just take me round in a circle, to an error page, and then back to your blog home page.

    Or maybe I am missing something.

    Best wishes,


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