Jim West endorses Todd Bentley

I had intended to take a break from blogging about Todd Bentley. But I can’t resist this quote, which appears to be genuine, from Jim West:

you can learn as much from benny hinn and todd bentley as you can the ‘fathers’ (with the singular exception of Jerome …)

So Todd’s and Benny’s teaching is as valuable as that of the “Fathers” of the church? Why, I thought I was praising Todd rather highly in comparing him with Jesus and Paul, but I was only saying that he was trying to follow their example. I would never have dared to compare Todd’s teaching with that of any of the respected theologians of the church. But Jim West seems to value Todd and Benny above such towering figures as Tertullian, Origen and Chrysostom. High praise indeed!

8 thoughts on “Jim West endorses Todd Bentley

  1. Which teaching by Hinn is being referred to?
    It has changed back and forth so often that it really would help to clarify.
    As to being on a par with the ‘Church Fathers’, now that is a good joke.

  2. Check out “A Step Into Deliverance” by T. Pugh. It’s a riveting autobiography about one pastor’s journey into the casting out of devil’s ministry.

  3. Pingback: Gentle Wisdom » How can I know that God is telling me something?

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