Please browse my new online store

Please have a browse through my online store, which has just gone live. I hope this will be a convenient way for you, my readers, to buy books and other items reviewed, mentioned or quoted at Gentle Wisdom. I have listed both print and Kindle editions of books, where available, in two different store categories. There is a separate category for Bibles, and one for a few other Amazon products relevant to this blog.

The store is an aStore. This means that it is most accessible to my UK readers, although products can be shipped worldwide. I will be working on a parallel store with for my North American readers. logoTo set up this store I first joined the Amazon Associates Programme. So I am now required to add the following to this site:

Gentle Wisdom is a participant in the Amazon Europe S.à r.l. Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

I was surprised how many books and other products I found mentioned here at Gentle Wisdom. I am not endorsing all of these books, not least because I have read only a few of them. Indeed I have included a few books which I fundamentally disagree with.

I have also edited many of the mentions of these books in my past posts to include direct purchase links from If you hover over the links, you should see more details about the product and its availability.

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