Random thoughts

It is hardly a surprise that my deliberately controversial post Homosexuality, Divorce and Gay Marriage, with 33 comments so far, has reached second place in the Speaker of Truth competition for the most comments, behind only Steve Chalke, Spring Harvest, UCCF and the Atonement on 38. And that is despite, or perhaps because, it is the middle of the “silly season” of August. So how can I follow that?

Well, I tried with Augustine’s mistake about original sin, but that sounds a bit specialised for some readers, which may explain why it has only reached 17. Perhaps it would be doing better if I had entitled it, quite accurately, “Reformation teaching depends on a translation error”.

I am slowly working on a series of posts about an interesting but obscure Christian people whom I have met in my travels. But these will not appear for a time as I need to get permission to make some of this public.

Meanwhile next week I am off to the Soul Survivor Christian youth camp in hopefully sunny Somerset, with a large group of young people from my church, and a smaller group of adults including me who are taking the chance to get away without having official responsibilities for the youth.

I am also in the middle of trying to decide what to do for the next year. My Bible translation work has more or less come to an end, at least for the moment. I am considering taking an MA in theology, a course I can take from home in Chelmsford.

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