This is not another post about Todd Bentley, but one about one of my posts about Todd. My post Todd Bentley and an angel called Emma has just become the first on this blog to be viewed more than 10,000 times. It has crept past this milestone, just three months after it was first posted, as the number of viewings per week have dropped from 347 in the last full week of July to just 96 last week. This post seems to have attracted much of its traffic in previous months from a Google link on a search for “Todd Bentley”.

In the last week there has been a lot of traffic at this blog relating to Todd Bentley, but the great majority of this has been viewing of my recent posts about Todd, to which the search engines now seem to be linking. The most popular has been Message from Trevor Baker about Todd Bentley, with 781 views in just six days, but seven posts have attracted over 200 views each in the last week.

My second most popular post of all time is Pope Benedict, Bible scholars, and the Antichrist, with 6,595 views, all but a few hundred of which were in a few days in March this year because of a link from a popular site. In third place, perhaps for a bronze medal, is Lakeland revival with Todd Bentley continues with 5,943 views, again mostly from a Google link.

0 thoughts on “10,000 views

  1. Wow. That’s some serious traffic. I have to blog on tattoos and Bigfoot to get that kind of traffic. Paris Hilton might be another popular one. Ask Rick Mansfield about that!

  2. Thanks, Richard,

    Well, David, you pulled your post on Todd Bentley, which would have got you quite a lot of traffic not least generated by my outraged and outrageous response to it, which I also pulled.

  3. I read all the Bentley posts you referenced, and I think the reason you got so many hits was not simply due to the subject matter, but due to the way you handled the subject metter. Great job.

    I’ve also done a piece about Bentley, miracles and healings in general today. Thought you might be interested.

    Grace and Peace,
    Parables of a Prodigal World

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