Rick Joyner: The Day The World Changed

A few days ago I quoted Rick Joyner about a Japan earthquake prophecy, based on a YouTube video which I also linked to.

I have now discovered some rather similar material from Rick Joyner in text form (so much easier to quote!), in a Special Bulletin The Day The World Changed. Here are some extracts:

It was twenty-two years ago that I first heard Bob Jones talk about a major earthquake that would be coming to Japan. He said that it would set off cataclysmic events. Thousands have heard Bob predict quakes and other natural events with astonishing accuracy. One of the most dramatic was the last San Francisco quake. …

When Bob walked into the service last Sunday after the recent 9.0 quake, tsunami, and nuclear meltdown, I immediately asked him if this was the one. I’ve never seen such concern in Bob’s face as he answered, “You know what this means.”

What Does It Mean?

It marks a demarcation point after which great change will come to the whole world, including an ultimate meltdown of the economy. It will also be followed by a major quake on the West Coast of the United States. …

This may truly be the greatest opportunity we [Christians] have ever had. …

The coming economic meltdown will be the removal of everything that is not built on the kingdom principles that cannot be shaken. …

Now is the time to do whatever it takes to get in the will of the Lord. There will be an increasingly high price to pay for those who are not. There will be increasing peace and joy for those who are.

There is a lot more of this, and especially about how Christians should respond. Actually, just have some people have suggested that it didn’t need a prophet to predict an earthquake in earthquake-prone Japan, it doesn’t a prophet to predict a coming economic meltdown. So, whatever we think of the status of Jones’ and Joyner’s words as actual predictive prophecy, Joyner’s advice for us as Christians is good and timely.

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