Speaker of Truth becomes Gentle Wisdom

I have decided to mark the new academic year (an important time for many of my readers although not for myself) with a new title for this blog: Gentle Wisdom. For the moment I am leaving everything else unchanged, although maybe I ought to look for a gentler picture than the mountain.

I don’t intend this to herald any major changes to this blog. But I intend to steer away from controversies like the atonement one and focus more on what is positive and beneficial, perhaps moving in a more devotional direction.

I am not changing the blog’s URL, so existing links will still work. However, if you have blogrolled me, please change the blog name in your link.

Why did I make this change? Well, I was never completely happy with the name Speaker of Truth. I always felt that it came across as a little bit arrogant for me to claim in this way to speak God’s truth. I wrote

I chose to call this blog “Speaker of Truth” because I believe that God has called me to speak the truth about him to the whole world on the Internet.

I am holding on to this calling, but realising that to proclaim it so publicly is not really gentle wisdom.

The new title Gentle Wisdom in fact comes from a prophetic word, or perhaps a word of knowledge or wisdom, given to me at the Soul Survivor camp which I attended a couple of weeks ago (and which I write more about here). The person praying for me, who didn’t know me at all, spoke the words “gentle wisdom” and suggested that showing this was God’s calling for me. I accepted this as confirmation of how I already felt God was leading me, and I also realised that it would make a good blog title.

The difficulty for me now is how to live up to this new title. I know that I have not always been gentle and not always wise in what I have written on this blog in the past. But I know that wisdom is a gift of the Holy Spirit and gentleness is one of his fruits. And the wisdom I want to show is not the wisdom of this world which God has made foolish, but the wisdom of God even when it is foolishness to humankind (1 Corinthians 1:20-25). This “wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without a trace of partiality or hypocrisy” (James 3:17, NRSV). So I pray that God may give me through the Holy Spirit this divine wisdom and the ability to express it in gentleness.

If any of you my readers feel that I am not being gentle or not being wise in anything which I write here, please let me know, in comments or privately to peter AT qaya DOT org. I say this because I need to remain properly accountable.

13 thoughts on “Speaker of Truth becomes Gentle Wisdom

  1. Blogroll updated, and a quote for pondering:

    “I learned both what is secret and what is manifest, for wisdom, the fashioner of all things, taught me. There is in her a spirit that is intelligent, holy, unique, manifold, subtle, mobile, clear, unpolluted, distinct, invulnerable, loving the good, keen, irresistible, beneficent, humane, steadfast, sure, free from anxiety, all-powerful, overseeing all, and penetrating through all spirits that are intelligent, pure, and altogether subtle.” (Wisdom 7:21-23 NRSV)

  2. Great name. I read blogs like yours, which are often over my head. I like to learn and I like to hear how other people are thinking. I appreciate your responses, because you can cut through arguments to roots and principles which I would not otherwise see. But you do it in a way that does not leave me feeling (even vicariously, as you are usually not responding to me, but to other people) like I am a total idiot for not “getting it” or for thinking about things from a different perspective from yours. I think Gentle Wisdom is an accurate representation of why I’m drawn to your blog.

  3. Thanks, Eclexia. That is a really good summary of what I am aiming to do here. I must start reading your blog more regularly.

    Yes, John and David, I do intend to continue speaking the truth in love but without fear. But I hope to preserve gentleness as well.

  4. I like the new name and since I also use Bloglines[1], it appeared automatically.

    [1] I use Bloglines because it’s the only blog aggregator that I understand how to use!

  5. Nice one, Peter. I look forward to the new style of posting. I do have to admit that the banter around the atonement debate was good though, but I do think these debates probably do more harm than good in the end?

  6. Pingback: Post 1000: musings on a milestone - Gentle Wisdom

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