We’re moving to Virginia, USA!

Peter and LorenzaMy wife Lorenza and I have exciting news to share! On June 7th we are moving to the USA, to the beautiful state of Virginia.

Lorenza, with my support, will be opening a dance studio business in Winchester, VA. We have applied for and obtained E-2 visas for the USA, allowing her to start up this business. These are not “green cards”, so we will have the right only to be temporary residents. I will simply be an accompanying spouse, but will have the right to work. We expect to be living in nearby Woodstock, in the Shenandoah valley.

It has been a long and busy process for us to get this far. It started last summer when we fell in love with Virginia and made new friends at a church there, Portering the Glory. Since then we have been back twice, to decide on our business strategy and to make detailed arrangements. The final step was last week in Rome, Italy, where we went to get our visas as Lorenza is an Italian citizen.

We have booked our flights for June 7th. That will give us not quite three months to get our building ready to open for business at the beginning of September. We expect to be busy! So if there is little or no activity on this blog for some time, you will know why.

By the way, this explains why I am selling my car. I wish we could take it with us, but apparently a huge amount of bureaucracy would be involved to prove that it has had the minor modifications required to make it legal in the USA. I might buy another one the same in Virginia, but will likely have to pay quite a lot more for it.

This also explains my interest in US politics. We won’t have votes in November, but we will have to live with the consequences of how others vote.

18 thoughts on “We’re moving to Virginia, USA!

  1. Wow! Go well, Peter and Lorenza, with God’s richest blessing. Will miss your voice here while you settle in, but look forward to seeing/hearing more when the time is right.

  2. Welcome to the Colonies! Hope you have an uneventful trip and trust you will have great success. We need more job-creators.

    Re. your last paragraph. You really need to pray that Obama does not get re-elected.

  3. Many congratulations to you both and every success with your new venture. Will you still be continuing with ‘Gentle Wisdom?

  4. Congrats! I was wondering if you were moving (b/c you’re selling your car). I hope that you all have nothing but blessing in your new adventures in the States 🙂

  5. Thank you, Dru. I hope you won’t be missing my comments completely. But they may be less frequent. I’ll try not to let them be less relevant even as we move away from the UK, as I will be keeping up with things at home.

  6. 5~28~5993 Memorial Day in America
    Peter, the startling message about you moving to Virginia was in our e-mail. It seems strange to me that you are moving here now when final prophetic events are about to happen with judgment on this evil government. However, you have been warned about this 31 year Bush Senior White House under The Vatican’s CROSS, Revelation 13:18, by me and soundly rejected my words.
    As a descendant of white native Americans I really wish now that my ancestors had stayed put where they were! Peter, apparently, you do not have any idea about how BAD things are going to get here in the States and seem to not want to know.
    Only those “sealed” in the Names of the Father and Son (Yahweh and Yahshua) will survive what’s coming, Revelation 14:1! HalleluYah! This ancient transliterated Hebrew word means,
    “Praise ye Yah!”
    The GREAT NEWS?? Yahshua returns SOON for ALL who love HIM!!

  7. Belated congratulations and trust you’re both starting to settle into you new life, fellowship and business. (Nina and I attended our regular dance class last night – it’s organised by a nearby vicar at the parish church!)
    Although Portering the Glory site doesn’t display any credal statement I like the Welcome-Vision-Mission summary – fantastic! (Similar to my comments at the close of Gillan’s ‘Has the Church fallen alseep on its feet’ posted 8 May)
    The Lord bless you both and keep you in His favour.

  8. Thank you, Richard. Yes, it’s a fantastic little church, with a big heart and a big vision. It’s not the sort for formal doctrinal statements, but nothing out of the ordinary for independent charismatic churches.

  9. Hi Peter, I just wandered over here from The Sacred Page. If you’re still looking for a car, my wife and I are trying to sell one so we can get something that better fits our growing family. We’re in Manassas, so it’s a little bit cheaper than shipping from England. Welcome to the Commonwealth!

  10. Thank you, Peter. We have bought one car, a Jeep Liberty, but are keeping our eyes open for a second car, preferably something more economical to run. So let me know what you have available – perhaps privately through the contact form.

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