The CIA edits Wikipedia …

… according to the BBC. So do the Vatican, political parties, and companies.

So what? Isn’t the whole point of Wikipedia that anyone can edit its entries? But they cannot do so completely anonymously, they can be traced through their IP addresses, which can often be linked to physical addresses. That is one of Wikipedia’s safeguards.

The only surprise here is that the CIA was so incompetent, or so deliberately open, as to do this editing through computers and IP addresses known to belong to it. It would have been rather easy for them to do this editing through proxy computers at anonymous residential or commercial locations.

0 thoughts on “The CIA edits Wikipedia …

  1. Yeah.. its pretty bad.. the whole ufo alien stuff is probably promoted by them as well.. just like the stories about their secret death rays and everything.. in all actuality if they had stolen any technology from Tesla it would have more than likely not been deadly.. that was his goal.. to end war.. but yet there are all these conspiracy web-sites that promote all this secret technology, and alien technology.. and then you have people going out saying that the military is so far advanced and they are using this technology on us right now.. pff.. it would be too hard to hide all of that… and then you have to read about Alan Shalleck.. the producer of the curious george television show.. he worked with margaret rey.. whom tesla assisted in leaving nazi infested france with her husband… well.. even michael moore connected the bush/scherff thing.. but whats odd is that when alan shalleck was killed in feb 2006 his killers confessed and were tried and i think even given the death penalty… their names were rex ditto and vincent puglisi.. (mob names???) but they cant be found on any federal prison list.. check they are not listed on the federal site.. nor are they listed on the local florida department of corrections websites… they arent listed as ever being arrested.. or released… or sentenced to death.. … but yet we have death rays and alien technology.. but we need to send two guys to kill a 76 year old man.. just read the florida papers and see if their explanation makes any sense.. the papers say that rex ditto and vincent puglisi had met shalleck through a gay phone sex line… thats how they caught them.. they traced alans calls to the number… ok.. first off.. im sure… but anywase.. alan was plagued with financial troubles.. it even said that in the tampa article.. so.. if they had known shalleck for a while.. because they described in pretty good detail what they supposedly were doing.. they would have known he was broke… ruling out the reasons for a robbery.. then they said that it was a fight like a love fight.. or one of them got mad at the other because of whatever reason.. well.. that didnt make sense.. when are there two people in love with one person.. (supposedly).. and so instead of killing one of the others they kill the one guy that they both supposedly wanted…. hmm….. and it just all happened to be while jebby was still governor…

  2. You’re assuming that the CIA authorized this. It’s well within the realm of possibility that some guy who happens to have a desk job at the CIA likes to edit Wikipedia entries while at work and that it doesn’t come from anyone over his head. I’d be very surprised if some of this hacking was done officially. It would be pretty counterproductive, actually, and if they knew anything about how Wikipedia works they’d know it wouldn’t last long. Of course the legitimate contributions will last, but there’s nothing objectionable about anyone doing those, even if they have a vested interest in the issue. I don’t think it would be untoward for me to edit entries that relate to my dissertation topic, for example.

  3. Ok.. and the vatican.. oh and exxon also.. exxon changed their page to say that there were no long term effects from the valdez oil spill in the past…. im sure… and why would the cia change the stuff from their “permanent” address… that just shows incompetence.. and i doubt anyone was reprimanded.. to say that some schmuck for the cia that stays in the office is changing the stuff.. HA.. thats all of them.. everyone thinks swat, fbi, cia are so bad ass.. just watch waco.. they are all running around pulling up their pants while they fall down because their fat fucking guts are haning out all over the place….. and then on top of that why does HISTORICAL information like stuff about Nikola Tesla get changed.. OBVIOUSLY the only people changing that stuff are changing it because they realize the significance of it.. and basically a bunch of people are running around getting caught with their dicks in their hands…

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